6 Ways to Get More Instagram Followers

6 ways to get more Instagram followers

Instagram represents a free application that allows its users to process and share their photos and videos on other social networks. Although it has existed since 2010, more and more professional brands choose this channel to communicate with their customers, especially since a few years ago the relevant business profiles were introduced on this network.

During the time, it has been shown that these types of accounts bring numerous benefits if you want to make a success in your field of working. So, if you have had any doubt so far, don’t hesitate and click on the button “Switch to Business Profile”. In the case you already have an account here you can find some tips on how to increase the number of followers on the Instagram.

1) Create a Great Instagram Bio

Use this useful option which the network provides and upload detailed data about your company or your brand.  If you want to benefit maximum from a well-composed text, it is best for you to write it in some other text editor, then copy and paste to your Insta profile. You have to make a great impression and literary to persuade unknown people to hit the “follow” button, so attract them with enough available information and written details, such as your contact, head office, email address, and working hours. Never leave this space blank or filled with poor details. 

2) Use Hashtags as Your Allies

For you as an owner of the business account, the most suitable is to use so-called “branded hashtags“, which are unique to your business, for example, your company name, tagline, or the name of one of your products or campaigns. It is made to connect themes for you and your audience. Also, one of the latest trends related to getting more followers is to use Hashtags emoji. The possibilities are unlimited but you should only be careful not to use banned Instagram hashtags – you don’t want to be blocked!

3) Always Act and Interact

There are many ways of Instagram interacting: for example, you can like hundreds of random pictures, hold a contest on Instagram, like and comment on others users’ photos, ask interesting questions dealing with your product or company in the captions of your images. Log in to Instagram and take a little time to explore your follower’s profiles as well as to “heart” images and respond to comments. Interaction has proven to be a great tool in the business to connect the brand to as many audiences as possible. The feedback that your older followers are receiving from you has also proved to be a positive thing in increasing the number of new ones.

4) Use Instagram Filters

Before publishing photos or uploading a video, you can edit them through filters and they can help you to create a consistent image of your company, product or service. This is one of the best and most creative ways to promote your business, to become more visible and attract huge numbers of new followers.

Instagram filters

5) Make Brand Ambassadors

A category of brand ambassadors is something relatively new, but very fashionable in social media marketing because it has very great advantages and wide potential for audience development. Brand ambassador is a man or a woman who represents and talks about your company in an affirmative way, preferably in front of lots of potential customers, such as their friends, acquaintances, and family. It is easy to see how this will impact the number of your followers in the future. Some surveys show that it is at least five times more effective than traditional advertising and other “old-fashioned” marketing tools.

6) Take All Advantages of Quote Pictures

Somebody said that the Instagram photo without caption looks like a book without a title and he or she was pretty much right. It is of a high importance to have great quotes on your pictures because this is one of the breaking points where users decide if they are going to like your image or follow your page or not. There are many types of them: inspirational, business, gym/fitness, happiness, love, or Christian quotes. We advise you always to use your company logo with quote images as a sign of recognition and symbol of uniqueness.

   As mentioned above, in the modern world of visual content quality still prevails over quantity. Thus, it is extremely significant that you have your own and unique quote photos with the logo of your company on, and not to download them randomly from the Internet. On our website, you can find a wide selection of relevant pictures with quotes that you can use as one of the most effective and efficient marketing strategies for all kind of social media, especially Instagram.

   Since 2016, real expansion of the business profiles on Instagram has been noticeable, and the reasons are many. Although it used to be considered as an app used only by Millennials, famous actresses, and models, Instagram is nowadays the fastest growing social network through an increasing number of world-renowned brands and companies which turn to it almost every day. It is not wondering because some research papers show that 75% of users who see an advertisement there are certainly going to take some action after that – either it is a visiting linked site or making purchases via direct message on the profile. Therefore, it is very important to try to get as many followers on this social network. To keep up the pace with this trend, pay attention to run your business profile on the Instagram in a proper way and to improve your engagement on it. You can do it with the help of our professionally designed and for this purpose customized services and products.

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