5 Reasons to Use Quotes in Your Social Media Content Strategy

5 Reasons to Use Quotes in Your Social Media Content Strategy

Almost all of you already have at least one profile on some of the numerous social networks or you plan to open a business account in the near future. If that is so, please do this simple and quick experiment: publish a simple post, then one image and a photo with a quote and just wait to see what will happen. You do not have to be a real social content marketing expert to conclude after a certain time that picture with a quote on itself gets the most likes, “hearts”, comments and shares. 

Although every existing social network requires you to pay a special attention and adapt your ways of communication and marketing strategy by taking into consideration the latest research results, trends and tips, experts agree in a row that there is one method effective for all the networks and it can be called: “using quotes in your social media content” manner. Regardless of whether you have a site dedicated to your business or just want to open a business account on one of the popular social communication channels, keep in mind that this is something that is worth the effort and can have a powerful impact on your business.

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You may ask yourselves what are the reasons for this.

1) Quotes are short, easily absorbed and seen.

Sometimes the long content or even a brief social media post can disrupt and affect badly a concentration of those who are reading them, so it will be of great importance to your audience (and it will probably be more appreciated) if you have a shorter version of your content.  On the other hand, adequate quotes may give a good indication of what can be read through the link in a longer form, as some kind of significant highlights. For example, you can turn long-form blog posts into short ones by making quotes which will fascinate your audience.

Carefully used and strategically well-planned quotes should give your business more uniqueness and easy recognition.

2) Brief visual posts are more visible in the news feed.

Probably you've already heard the advice of professionals that the image and text ratio in a certain advertisement must be in a favor of the image. The fact is that the human brain processes visual 60,000 times faster than textual data. Remember:  it is a 65% of visual and 10% of the textual content.  The reading material is less interesting to people, so they first focus on videos and images. If you don’t have relevant professional knowledge or experience to technically create powerful and effective quote images, we can do that for you. Please feel free to visit our Shop and check out our various offers.

Therefore, you should give your users what is more significant to them: a picture with some quality and interesting quote.

>>> Impress your audience and fans with professional quote images [with your logo] and gain more conversation, exposure and conversion. <<<

3) Quotes can make it easier for you to brand your product or service on the social media.

Whether you already have a product or service that slowly turn into a brand or just want to work on creating one, you are using the available channels of social networks because you need to build a strong link between your business and consumers. This process definitely requires clear and good communication and interaction, which can take place through the quotes which are the best representation of you, i.e. your product or service you provide.

So our advice is: make your brand using your “branded” quotes. By branding your images, you ensure that no matter where your image gets shared to, people will always know where it came from.

Starbucks Instagram Account.

4) Inspirational brief posts with quotation marks tickle emotional feelings in humans.

Try to make content that is not hard, violent, aggressive or too much negative colored, but motivational, positive, provoking or just amusing. Accordingly, the use of different types of quotes causes different kinds of emotions in consumers. How many times did you read the quote by yourself, which in very few words described the strong emotions you had experienced on some other occasion in your own life? Quotes can be lyric, cute, funny, clever, inspirational or motivational business. Whatever their type is, they touch the creative nature, offer a language that is attractive, tempting and easy to understand and identify with and make us take certain actions and involving. This is exactly what we want to achieve for our business: that we have fans, followers, and consumers who are ready for reaction and interaction.

Trigger positive human emotions and people will associate your business with those feelings.

5) Post with quote images get shared more often.

If you've done the experiment mentioned at the beginning of this text, you are probably very convinced that image with the quote has caused the most actions and reactions of your fans, friends or followers. You are not the only one; various studies carried out so far have confirmed that this kind of visual content is very powerful for boosting your engagement, reach, and impressions not only with some, at first sight, visual social networks but almost all existing social media channels.  Use without fail this easy and quick way to increase the number of visitors and visits to your blog or site.


     When they are used well and intently planned, quote posts can generate a lot of audience engagement. If you do not have enough free time or expert knowledge to create carefully designed quotes by yourself, you can find a great selection of them on our site. We can offer you exactly what you need to reach both old and potentially new consumers.

happiness quotes with your logo

Therefore, make sure you give a better impression of yourself and the business you run on those who have already given you their trust, and to increase the number of people who will do so in the future, by using our unique, very valuable and creative quotes

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