How Do Quotes in Your Social Media Content Strategy Help Your Business

Does seeing all the quotes across different social media channels make you wonder what it’s all about? Why do so many people keep posting them on their profiles? Are they really so powerful? What’s the secret?

Actually, there’s no secret here. For several reasons, quotes have proven to be highly effective tools when it comes to one’s social media content strategy. Here’s what quotes can do for you too.

Quotes are brief and straight to the point

This means a lot in today’s world, when no one has too much time on their hands and our attention spans are only growing shorter.

The wealth of information in modern times causes a scarcity of attention, making us strive to efficiently allocate our attention. This is called attention economics and we can all see it ourselves in our daily lives. There’s so much content around us, both online and offline, that we often feel quite overwhelmed with it. We keep skimming over stories and articles before we decide if we’re going to dig deep and read more, but more often than not we just choose to pass. Or we say we’ll read it “later” and then we never come back.

It all seems like a bad news for content creators, marketing managers and business owners, but not necessarily. It only requires some adjustments to the new circumstances.

When they say that humans have a shorter attention span than goldfish, it’s not just a figure of speech –goldfish are believed to have an attention span of nine seconds, while humans have reached an all-time low (so far) of eight seconds. Bite-sized quotes fit perfectly into this picture– it only takes a few seconds and not much effort to grasp such a piece of content and the reader will still leave with a meaningful, comprehensive message rather than with nothing at all. They’ve got a relevant piece of information or a bit of inspiration, something that makes sense to them and that they will attribute to your brand.

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This is what quotes can do for you - help your brand deliver a message in the shortest time possible.

Of course, this is not to say that you will never need an analytical, high-quality article (after all, you’re reading one on our website right now). People do read (a lot) more content on the subjects they are heavily interested in, they even read more about the products and services they are considering, but to get to that point you often need to start with a short story or an effective quote to catch their attention.

Just like this: Quality is the best business plan. Short and sweet, it’s sometimes all you need.

Quotes are effective and often evoke an emotional response

There would be no point in posting quotes if people were only eager to read them, yet they never had any impact on their readers. Fortunately, this type of content has proven to be very effective, for a few reasons.

Quotes add value. They are informative, inspirational or at the very least entertaining. You can use quotes to communicate encouragement, consolation, guidelines, ideas, solutions, insights or even industry trends, statistics and so on. Sell the problem you solve, not a product sounds like a great piece of advice, given and received in just a few seconds.

How Do Quotes in Your Social Media Content Strategy Help Your Business

Another very important quality is that quotes are positive. There’s so much negativity around us, not only on social media or even online, but in real life as well. Every now and then we come across people who keep telling us that the world is an ugly place or that we can’t make it. In this setting, every positive quote is a breath of fresh air that can even help you getting through the day. This is why, even though there are so many quotes across different social media, we never grow tired of them. With so much negativity flying around, we need some good vibes on a daily basis to keep going and keep following our dreams. Impossible only means that you haven’t found the solution yet– sounds quite uplifting, doesn’t it?

On top of it all, quotes are relatable. They either resonate with someone’s current state of mind, their wishes for the future and even with their struggles. Don’t let yesterday take too much of today is a great reminder for all the people struggling with a failure from the past. Hustle until your haters ask if you’re hiring can be a much-needed boost. Sometimes quotes express a sentiment you’ve not been able to express yourself. Or they shed a new light and make you think of some new ways and practices. The biggest mistake a small business can make is to think like a small business might be exactly what you need at the very moment.

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Remember what we said above about a short attention span? You as a business compete for a fraction of it. If you provide content that adds value, share good vibes and is one that your (potential) customers can relate to, people will want to hear more from you. This is a great way to start a conversation and to build a remarkable social media presence.

You get to use visuals

Along with being easy to digest and very effective themselves, quotes are so valuable for one more reason – they allow you to use visuals and that’s a big advantage by itself.

A picture is worth a thousand words. This is not just an old saying, but true words of wisdom. People process visual information much faster and visual content has proven to significantly increase engagement on social media. Why is that? Because images stand out in the feed, so people notice them more easily and are more likely to respond to them. Text-only posts can also perform well, but a visual with that same text will always outdo the former. Furthermore, most of the social media algorithms favor visual content, so it is poised to reach more people. It has also proven to be easy to memorize and to have a long-lasting effect.

Quotes help you establish your brand

Your brand is much more than just a list of the products or services you offer. It also represents your mission, vision and the values you stand for. You might tend to overlook this, but your potential customers will not. If people find they share common values with you, they will be more likely to become your customers or do business with you. Values reflect what is important about the way you live and work, says a quote – and says it all.

For all the reasons listed above, posting quotes is a great way to draw people’s attention, attract new users to your social media accounts and eventually have them become your customers.

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Take a look at our offer and learn how easy it is to start posting awesome quotes on your social media.

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